Best Thoughtful Self Care Gift Ideas for the Holiday Season and Beyond

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By Anna Marikar

There are so many great gifts to give someone for self-care. This festive season, we’ve chosen to focus on a self-care gift guide to help you out if you want to focus on gifts with a wellness twist.

Put together some of these gifts to make a self-care kit either for yourself or a friend. Any of these gifts will help you take time for yourself and rest, which everyone needs nowadays!

Here are our favorite self-care gifts that anyone will love. 

Best Self-Care Gifts

Here’s our list of the best self-care gifts and ideas to give you a little inspiration to treat your loved ones to a thoughtful gift, or – buy these for yourself at any time of the year.

Self care starts with our own self love and you don’t even need a reason!

Affiliate links are included in the list below.

Journal Supplies

Journaling is relaxing and is so beneficial to our mental health. When we take time to journal each day, our burdens will feel lighter, and we will be happier too! 

The great thing about journals is there are so many to choose from! Check out this five minute journal which is great for gratitude and manifestation.

You can get a blank one to doodle your thoughts in, a blank one with lines, a daily journal, gratitude journals or a guided journal. Any of these will help you destress during your self-care time. 

Buy these gorgeous stickers for junk journalling on Etsy

Workout Subscription or Supplies

Working out is beneficial for your physical health as well as your mental health. When you work out, your body naturally releases the stress you are facing. Your muscles will loosen, and the tension will disappear.

So many people want to work out, but they don’t know where to start. Getting a subscription for working out will help them! It might just be the motivation they need. 

If you know someone who enjoys working out and exercising, this would be the perfect gift! 

You could also buy new workout clothes, a new yoga mat, or home gym equipment if you know that this is something that would be appreciated.

Mindfulness App

No matter what stage in life you are in, a mindfulness app will help you tremendously. If you already practice mindfulness, this will only encourage you to continue and go deeper into your meditation. 

Even 5 minutes a day will change your life. You will find yourself better able to handle what life throws at you, and your mind will feel lighter. 

You’ll find so many great mindfulness and meditation apps, that would be an amazing self-care gift! 

Spa Day Supplies

We almost always associate the spa, getting a pedicure, and anything that involves being pampered in relation to self-care. While you want to do a variation of everything, this is still an important aspect of self-care! 

When in doubt, just get as many spa supplies as you can think of.

Here are just a few examples that you can put together to create a gift basket for a friend or family member for some much-needed tlc.

  1. Nail polish 
  2. Face Masks
  3. Nail polish in different colors
  4. Plush robe
  5. A gift card to the salon
  6. Lotion 
  7. Body scrub – You can even make your own in Lavender / Cherry / Almond or whatever scent you know your loved one would enjoy best.
  8. Bath bombs 
  9. Bubble Bath
  10. Soaps – You could make your own apple cinnamon soap
  11. Bath Salts
  12. Body wash
  13. Shower steamers 
  14. Bath pillow
  15. Dry brushes 
  16. Robe 
  17. Makeup 
  18. Haircare items 
  19. Lip balm 
  20. Candles – You could even try making your own lavender candles

And so much more. You really can’t go wrong with any of these items! You can even find a variety of spa day kits that have these items together to create the perfect self-care kit. 

Skin Care

Having glowing skin makes us feel so much better about ourselves, so why not gift some good quality skin care products with natural ingredients, or a jade roller or rose quartz roller for the face.

Be sure to take note of whether your friend has sensitive skin or only uses a particular brand of skincare products.

Buy this roller set on Etsy


Essential oils or incense are a great way to enhance the atmosphere in your home, relax and de-stress. A new essential oil diffuser, along with a selection of beautifully scented oils, or a selection of gorgeous incense to burn would be a perfect self-care gift.

A scented candle is another thoughtful idea along the same lines, depending what your friend prefers.


You can buy crystal gift sets, or one crystal that is particularly meaningful such as rose quartz for self love, or a crystal to help with social anxiety.


There is just something so relaxing about drinking a cup of tea. The warm drink in your hand and how it flows down your body, heating you up, is just a great stress reliever. 

Buy this wellness tea set on Etsy

You can also grab stress relief teas, herbal tea or calming teas to further help you relax during your self-care time. Always keep a box of your favorite teas on hand for a quick self-care break when you need it!

Why not gift a tea bag in a beautiful new mug?


Buy a voucher for a deep kneading massage to give your loved one a well-deserved break and some physical restoration.

Affirmation Cards

Affirmations are a great way to boost our positive thinking and you can buy beautiful gift sets that contain cards with affirmations along with gorgeous imagery.

Buy this beautiful set of affirmation cards on Etsy


Sometimes you can’t beat a glass of wine after a long day, especially if it comes with good company.

A bottle of wine is always a popular gift, and even better if you have the time to share together.

Water Bottle

Hydration is super important and a beautiful good quality water bottle can make that more enjoyable to keep on top of.


Gardening is relaxing for so many people. And, even if gardening isn’t your thing, most people enjoy having a small indoor plant to take care of. It might seem like it’s adding more to an already busy and stressed person, but it’s usually quite the opposite. 

If you are grabbing a plant for a friend as a gift, be sure to get one that fits their lifestyle, or even look at plants that align with their zodiac sign!

If your friend is super busy, try a succulent! If your friend is sad, try a beautiful bunch of flowers to brighten their day. 

Coloring Book

An adult coloring book is another great self-care gift. Everyone loves to doodle, especially when they can’t seem to think straight. Coloring and art in any form are good for relaxing and calming your mind down. 

Art therapy is used all the time and is very successful. If you are overwhelmed or know someone who is all the time, try getting a coloring book! 

Sleep Products

You can’t get anything better than a good night’s sleep. If your friend or family member struggles with getting enough sleep you could think about purchasing a white noise machine, lavender sleep products, mindful guided meditations for sleep, a dream journal or even new bedding.

Gift Cards

You can’t go wrong getting gift cards for people. These are especially good for people who are hard to shop for! And, you never know when that $25 Walmart gift card helps reduce a new mom’s load of feeding her children. 

If you know your friend well, get them a specific gift card. If not, any of these will do! Get a gift card that focuses on self-care, such as a flower shop, a spa, a manicure place, etc. 

Many women sadly don’t like spoiling themselves, but if they have a gift card to a place that will, they have to go and enjoy that pampering time and we can start to rewrite these daily habits and get into the routine of making time for ourselves.


Getting a new movie is another great self-care gift. Watching a movie is so relaxing after a long busy day. Get a comedy movie to laugh all your worries away, or a movie about self love.

Rom Coms are also great movies to watch to relax, especially with some ice cream on the side! 

You can also create a movie-themed self-care basket. Include a blanket, popcorn, soda, some candies, and the movie. This would also be a great gift for couples for a self-care night! 

A Good Book

You can choose good book to read or a beautiful book for the coffee table.

A book is a way to escape into another magical world and enjoy some peaceful quality time.

You could also give a new kindle, or an audible subscription.

Art Supplies

For more art therapy, try getting some more art supplies. Here is a great selection: 

  • Watercolors 
  • Paints
  • Paintbrushes 
  • Craft supplies 
  • Crayons 
  • Colored pencils 
  • Chalk 
  • Paper 
  • Pens 
  • Pencils
  • Erasers 
  • Canvas

You can make this as personal as you can for your gift. If you know the person isn’t as crafty as you may think, try to get a simple art project they can do. Have a look here for some inspiration for mindful art activities that your loved one may enjoy

We hope you enjoyed this list of self-care gift ideas, and get some inspiration for the perfect self-care items to buy for your loved ones.

Whether it’s to celebrate a special occasion, or to support best friends going through a hard time, a thoughtful gift can them up and show that you care.

Self-care is so crucial, especially for moms. Try to get self-care gifts next time your friend has a birthday. They will love it, and it will help them in more ways than you’ll realize. Any of these self-care gifts will be amazing to give and receive! 

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Anna is a Wales-based writer and graduate from SOAS University of London.
As the voice behind On Your Journey, she empowers women to embrace holistic well-being and spiritual growth through her expert insights into wellness and symbolism.
When she isn't writing thought-provoking articles, you'll find her busy crafting and raising her 4 children.

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