12 Unmistakable symptoms of spiritual awakening

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By Anna Marikar

In life every one of us is on our own quest for meaning, purpose, and a deeper connection with the self and the universe. However this looks, this personal quest often leads to a pivotal moment known as a spiritual awakening. 

A spiritual awakening is not merely an event but a transformative journey that reshapes one’s own understanding of existence, enhancing mindfulness and fostering a profound connection with the essence of life. 

12 signs of spiritual awakening

It happens when we least expect it, turning pages of our life book in ways we never anticipated. For some, it’s a gentle nudge towards a new path; for others, it’s a radical upheaval that reshapes their entire being. 

But why does this awakening occur? It often stems from all kind of reasons—personal turmoil, a quest for deeper meaning, or an unexpected event that shakes the very foundation of our existence. Sometimes the spiritual awakening 

As we navigate through this spiritual journey, there are signs, or symptoms, that signify a profound shift within our consciousness. These symptoms are not ailments but rather milestones of our evolving spirit. They are some of the markers of a person moving towards a state of higher awareness, mindfulness, and an enriched connection with the universe, that can be observed.  

12 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

Let’s get into these 12 symptoms of spiritual awakening, shedding light on each aspect that guides individuals to a more enlightened state of being.

12 symptoms of a spiritual awakening


1. An increased tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen. 

2. Frequent attacks of smiling. 

3. Feelings of being connected with others and nature. 

4. Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation. 

5. A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than from fears based on past experience. 

6. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment. 

7. A loss of ability to worry. 

8. A loss of interest in conflict. 

9. A loss of interest in interpreting the action of others. 

10. A loss of interest in judging others. 

11. A loss of interest in judging self. 

12. Gaining the ability to love without expecting anything in return. 

– Anon

An Increased Tendency to Let Things Happen Rather Than Make Them Happen

The first sign is a notable shift from exerting control over life’s events to a more flowing acceptance of the natural course of things. This doesn’t mean passivity but an understanding that not all situations require our intervention.

Embracing this symptom signifies a profound shift from trying to control life’s outcomes to a more serene acceptance of the flow of life.

It reflects a deep trust in the universe’s plan, acknowledging that not all things need to be forcibly directed.

This tendency can liberate individuals from the constant pressure of achieving and allow them to experience life more fully, opening up space for serendipity and unexpected joys.

inner peace

Frequent Attacks of Smiling

A spontaneous joy that doesn’t stem from any external source but from a deep well of peace and contentment within. This joy manifests in frequent, uncontrollable smiles, a true reflection of inner happiness.

This symptom is often a direct result of an inner joy that doesn’t depend on external circumstances.

Smiling frequently, especially for no apparent reason, indicates a lightness of being and an inner peace. It’s as if the soul is in constant celebration of life’s beauty, finding delight in both the significant and the mundane.

This effortless joy radiates outward, positively affecting those around and inviting them into a more harmonious state of being.

smiling happy

Related: 25 Powerful Symbols of Letting Go

Feelings of Being Connected with Others and Nature

The realization that we are not isolated beings but part of a larger, interconnected web of life. This connection extends to people, animals, nature, and the entire cosmos, fostering a sense of unity.

A spiritual awakening often dissolves the illusion of separation, fostering a profound sense of unity with all living beings and the environment.

This interconnectedness encourages a more compassionate and empathetic approach to life, where the wellbeing of others and the planet becomes as important as one’s own. Such feelings can lead to significant lifestyle changes, prioritizing sustainability, kindness, and a deep respect for the natural world.

connecting with nature

Frequent Overwhelming Episodes of Appreciation

Moments where gratitude floods in for no specific reason, leading to a deep appreciation for the miracle of life itself. These overwhelming episodes are a hallmark of a heart opening to the beauty of existence.

With spiritual awakening comes an acute awareness of the miracle of existence, which can make ordinary moments feel extraordinary.

This deep appreciation is often accompanied by a sense of wonder and gratitude for the myriad experiences life offers, from the simplicity of a blooming flower to the complexity of human relationships. This profound thankfulness enriches life, making it feel more vibrant and meaningful.

spiritual awakening

A Tendency to Think and Act Spontaneously Rather Than from Fears Based on Past Experience

Shedding the shackles of past traumas and fears, individuals find themselves more present in the moment, making decisions based on the now rather than being hindered by what once was.

Moving away from fear-based reactions requires a significant shift in consciousness.

This symptom of spiritual awakening heralds a newfound freedom to live authentically, guided by intuition rather than the scars of the past. It signifies a release from the shackles of previous traumas and disappointments, allowing for a life lived with openness and courage.

live in the moment

An Unmistakable Ability to Enjoy Each Moment

The realization that each moment is precious and the ability to savor life’s simple pleasures. This unmistakable ability transforms mundane experiences into profound episodes of joy.

The capacity to live in the present and fully immerse oneself in the now is a hallmark of spiritual awakening.

This ability transforms even the most mundane activities into profound experiences, promoting a mindfulness that enriches life’s tapestry.

Living in the moment also alleviates anxieties about the future and regrets about the past, fostering a peaceful state of being.


A Loss of Ability to Worry

Worry and anxiety lose their grip as one’s mindset shifts towards trust in the universe’s flow, understanding that most fears are constructs of our mind.

As individuals awaken spiritually, they often find that worry and anxiety diminish significantly.

This doesn’t imply a lack of awareness or responsibility but rather a deep trust in the process of life.

Recognizing that worry seldom alters outcomes but instead detracts from the joy of the present, they learn to navigate life’s uncertainties with grace and poise.

inner peace

A Loss of Interest in Conflict

The understanding that conflict serves little purpose and the natural inclination towards peace and harmony becomes more pronounced.

This symptom reflects a profound shift towards peace and harmony, both internally and in relation to the world.

As people embark on a spiritual journey, they often find that the energy expended in conflict is better used in fostering understanding and building bridges.

This shift towards non-confrontation doesn’t mean avoiding necessary confrontations but rather choosing battles wisely and with a preference for peaceful resolutions.

lack of interest in conflict

A Loss of Interest in Interpreting the Actions of Others

A release from the need to analyze or judge why people do what they do, accepting that each individual is on their own path.

Spiritual awakening brings a clarity that each person’s actions are a reflection of their own journey, not necessarily a statement about us.

This understanding fosters a detachment from the need to analyze or infer meaning from others’ behaviors, allowing for healthier relationships built on trust and respect rather than suspicion and judgment.

healthy mindset
Woman praying alone at sunrise. Nature background. Spiritual and emotional concept. Sensitivity to nature

A Loss of Interest in Judging Others

Hand in hand with the above, a compassionate acceptance of others as they are, without the need to place them in categories or pass judgment.

As the awareness of our interconnectedness deepens, the realization dawns that judgment separates us from others.

Seeing oneself in others and acknowledging everyone’s struggles as part of the human condition cultivates compassion and empathy, reducing the inclination to judge.

lack of interest in judging

A Loss of Interest in Judging Self

Perhaps one of the most liberating signs is the diminishing harshness towards oneself, embracing imperfection and recognizing the journey’s value over its pitfalls.

One of the most liberating aspects of spiritual awakening is the diminishing harshness with which we judge ourselves.

Understanding our journey as a path of learning and growth allows for a kinder, more forgiving view of our mistakes and perceived shortcomings. This self-acceptance is crucial for inner peace and self-love.

free from judging yourself

Gaining the Ability to Love Without Expecting Anything in Return

True, unconditional love emerges, not as a transaction, but as a natural state of being, offering love freely without awaiting reciprocity.

True love is unconditional, expecting nothing in return for it to be given freely. This symptom of spiritual awakening embodies the essence of selfless love, where the act of loving becomes its own reward.

This pure form of love elevates relationships, fostering deeper connections and a genuine desire for the happiness and wellbeing of others without attachment to personal gain.

Each of these symptoms marks a significant milestone on the journey of spiritual awakening, reflecting profound internal transformations that impact every aspect of an individual’s life, from their innermost thoughts to their interactions with the world.

spiritual awakening mind

To sum up, the symptoms of spiritual awakening pave the way for a remarkable transformation that transcends the confines of the ego and societal constructs. 

This awakening is not a destination but a journey of continuous evolution, where mindfulness, love, and a deep connection with the universe serve as guiding lights.

As individuals experience these symptoms, they are invited to embrace the journey, recognizing that each moment, each breath, and each experience is a step towards enlightenment. 

In the bigger picture of life, a spiritual awakening is not just about personal enlightenment but about contributing to the collective consciousness, making the world a more harmonious place for all.

More Spirituality

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Anna is a Wales-based writer and graduate from SOAS University of London.
As the voice behind On Your Journey, she empowers women to embrace holistic well-being and spiritual growth through her expert insights into wellness and symbolism.
When she isn't writing thought-provoking articles, you'll find her busy crafting and raising her 4 children.

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