What Is The Most Powerful Tarot Card?

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By Anna Marikar

The 78-card tarot deck unfolds a story, a journey through life’s major themes and personal growth. Within this deck, we find two main categories: the Major Arcana cards, symbolizing the bigger picture and life’s significant lessons, and the Minor Arcana cards, which detail the day-to-day aspects of life.

But amidst all of these profound cards, a question often arises in the heart of every tarot reader and enthusiast: What is the most powerful card?

Each card serves as a unique mirror, reflecting different facets of our life’s journey. But among these, the Fool card, often underrated, is actually considered by many to be the most powerful tarot card.

Why, you might ask? Let’s get into the depths of the Fool’s significance and unravel the reasons behind its revered status in tarot reading.

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The Power of the Fool Tarot Card

At first glance, the Fool might appear naive, standing at the precipice of an unknown journey with a carefree attitude.

However, this card represents so much more than mere innocence. It embodies the concept of a blank slate, a fresh start brimming with endless opportunities. In tarot spreads, the appearance of the Fool is a signal of new beginnings, urging us to embrace the unknown with an open heart and mind.

The Fool card marks the very start of the Major Arcana and is often considered the protagonist in the narrative of the tarot deck.

This card signifies life’s journey, full of twists and turns, ups and downs. It’s about taking that first step, even when the path isn’t clear. This leap of faith, often depicted in the imagery of a young man stepping off a cliff, is a powerful metaphor for the moments in life where we must trust our instincts and dive into new experiences.

The fool is considered number 0 in the tarot deck. So consider the powerful symbolism of the number 0 too. 

What sets the Fool apart is its representation of freedom from the existing structures and norms.

This card encourages us to break free from our comfort zones and conventional expectations. It’s about shedding the weight of past experiences and societal norms to find our true path.

The Fool doesn’t just walk; it dances along its path, inviting us to find joy in exploration and the unknown.

The Dual Nature of the Fool: Innocence and Wisdom

While the Fool is often seen as a card of innocence, it also holds a deeper wisdom.

It teaches us that every end is a new beginning and that each experience, no matter how daunting, offers a chance for growth and personal evolution.

The Fool’s journey is about learning through living, embracing both the joys and challenges life presents.

The Fool card in tarot is a captivating paradox, embodying both innocence and wisdom, two seemingly opposite qualities that, when combined, offer profound insights into life’s journey.

This duality is what makes the Fool not just a card, but a narrative of growth and understanding.

Innocence, often misconstrued as naivety, is in fact a powerful state in the Fool’s journey. It represents an open heart and mind, free from the biases and scars of past experiences.

Related: 7 Tarot Card Myths and Misconceptions Debunked

This innocence is akin to a blank canvas, untouched and ready to be imprinted with life’s rich tapestry. The Fool, with its childlike curiosity, embarks on life’s path not hindered by preconceived notions, but rather driven by a thirst for experience and learning.

This openness allows for experiences in their purest form, leading to authentic and unfiltered learning.

As the Fool travels through the Major Arcana, encountering cards like the Magician, the High Priestess, and the Wheel of Fortune, it gathers wisdom.

This wisdom is not the kind acquired from books or lectures, but the profound understanding that comes from living through different phases of life. The Fool learns from each step, stumble, and success.

It understands that wisdom is not just knowing the right answers, but also asking the right questions, and sometimes, embracing the unknown.

The journey of the Fool is a tapestry woven with threads of joy and challenge. With each card and each encounter, the Fool learns to balance the highs and lows.

The joyous moments teach the Fool gratitude and the ability to savor life’s pleasures, while the challenges offer resilience and the understanding that difficulties are not roadblocks but stepping stones to greater heights.

This balance is crucial in the Fool’s evolution from innocence to wisdom.

A key lesson in the Fool’s journey is the acceptance of change. As the Fool progresses, encountering cards like the Death and the Tower, it learns that endings are just precursors to new beginnings.

The Fool’s innocence allows it to let go of the old with ease, and its accumulating wisdom provides the strength to face the new.

This cycle of endings and beginnings is embraced as a natural part of life’s rhythm, teaching the Fool the art of adaptation and growth.

The dual nature of the Fool, blending innocence and wisdom, is a reflection of life itself. It teaches us the importance of approaching life with an open heart and mind, ready to absorb every experience as a lesson.

The Fool’s journey is a reminder that each of us is on a path of continuous learning, where every encounter, every joy, and every challenge is an opportunity to grow and evolve.

In embracing both our innocence and our wisdom, we can navigate life’s journey with grace and resilience, much like the Fool, ever ready for the next adventure that awaits.

The Fool and Its Impact on Readings

In tarot readings, the Fool can be a game-changer. It can indicate a need to reassess our current situation, to look at life with fresh eyes.

Whether it’s about love, career, or personal aspirations, the Fool urges us to approach these aspects with a sense of adventure and openness.

It’s a reminder that life is a journey of continuous learning and that we are always at the beginning of some new path.

The true power of the Fool lies in its representation of potential and the promise of a journey filled with discovery, growth, and transformation.

It’s a card that resonates with the adventurer within us all, reminding us that life is an open road, full of possibilities.

So, when the Fool appears in your tarot spread, take a moment to appreciate its profound message: life is an adventure, and you are ready to embrace whatever comes your way with courage and an open heart.

​More Powerful Tarot Cards

The fool may be considered by many to be the  most potent tarot card, but this doesn’t mean it’s the only tarot card with power and strength. So let’s take a look at a few of the other major arcana tarot cards that have a powerful impact. 

The High Priestess

The High Priestess, a pivotal card in tarot readings, complements the Fool by representing the deep dive into the inner self.

This card, with its profound connection to inner wisdom and intuition, often appears when we’re at a crossroads, needing to tap into our subconscious for guidance.

The High Priestess tarot card reminds us that sometimes the answers lie within, waiting to be discovered through reflection and introspection.

The Strength Card

In the tarot deck, the Strength card symbolizes inner strength and courage.

It’s about overcoming obstacles not through brute force, but through understanding and patience.

This card, often depicted with a serene individual taming a lion, is a reminder that true power comes from within and that our gentlest qualities can often be our greatest assets, especially in difficult situations.

The Wheel of Fortune

Life is a continuous cycle, and the Wheel of Fortune card captures this beautifully.

This card signifies moments of sudden change, where fortunes can turn in the blink of an eye. It teaches us to accept the ups and downs of life, understanding that good times follow bad, and that every phase is transient.

In the presence of the Wheel of Fortune, we’re reminded to cherish the present moment and prepare for the shifts that life inevitably brings.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man, another Major Arcana card, invites us to look at things from a different angle.

It’s about pausing and considering our current situation from an entirely new perspective. This card often appears when we’re stuck, nudging us to break free from our usual patterns and explore new avenues.

The Lovers

The Lovers card, often associated with relationships and choices, encourages us to make decisions that are true to our hearts. It’s about aligning with our core values and walking the path that feels right.

The Devil

Conversely, the Devil card, with its negative connotations, reminds us of the chains we forge for ourselves, be it in love life, work, or personal belief systems. It’s a call to confront and free ourselves from these self-imposed bonds.

The Death Card

Often misunderstood, the Death card is actually a powerful symbol of transformation and rebirth.

It signifies the end of one phase and the beginning of another, prompting us to let go of the old to welcome new life.

This card is a harbinger of fresh starts and new adventures.

The World

The World card represents the completion of a significant phase or cycle. It’s a card of fulfillment, suggesting a time of achievement and good fortune.


The Judgment card complements this by signaling a period of reflection, self-evaluation, and ultimately, renewal. It’s about heeding a higher calling and moving towards a more enlightened future.

Each tarot card, from the Ace of Cups to the Suit of Wands, from the mystical Moon card to the practical Ace of Pentacles, serves as a guide on our life’s journey. They offer different ways to view our experiences, whether it’s through the triumphs and challenges depicted in the Major Arcana or the everyday situations reflected in the Minor Arcana. 

As we shuffle the deck and lay out the cards, we engage in a conversation with our deeper selves, finding clarity and direction in the symbols and stories that unfold. The tarot, in all its complexity, remains a powerful tool for personal growth, self-discovery, and navigating the myriad paths of life.

More Tarot Meanings and Insight

the fool the most powerful card in the tarot deck
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Anna is a Wales-based writer and graduate from SOAS University of London.
As the voice behind On Your Journey, she empowers women to embrace holistic well-being and spiritual growth through her expert insights into wellness and symbolism.
When she isn't writing thought-provoking articles, you'll find her busy crafting and raising her 4 children.

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