What Do Colors Mean During Meditation? 

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By Anna Marikar

Meditation is a deep spiritual practice with roots in various traditions, including the Buddhist tradition. A significant part of this practice includes focusing on the chakra system, energy centers in our body that represent different aspects of our spiritual and physical health.

During meditation, practitioners often visualize various colors associated with each chakra. This article will explore what different colors symbolize in the context of meditation, and how understanding these color meanings can foster personal growth, inner peace, and spiritual enlightenment.

WHAT DO color mean during meditation?

Table of Contents

The concept of chakras comes from Sanskrit traditions. The Sanskrit word ‘chakra’ signifies ‘wheel’ or ‘disk,’ reflecting the constant motion of energy in our bodies. Each of the seven major chakras has its own color, and visualizing these colors during meditation sessions can lead to different feelings and experiences.

chakra system colors

Seeing colors is an important part of many people’s meditation practice, leading to powerful spiritual experiences and positive change.

As we embark on this colorful journey through the chakra system, it’s important to bear in mind that while there are established correlations between certain colors and chakras, the meditation experience is deeply personal.

For instance, while meditation teachers and Buddhist spiritual masters often suggest focusing on green colors for the heart chakra or a bright blue color for the throat chakra, you may instead be drawn to other hues during your meditation practice. You might notice purple lights when focusing on your brow or third-eye chakra or perceive an unexpected yellow color when meditating on a chakra typically associated with a different color.

chakra colors in meditation

Engaging with these colors in different ways can lead to unique spiritual experiences and provide important insights about our energy centers. For example, experiencing unusual things like a change in perceived colors might indicate a deep meditative state, hinting at personal breakthroughs or healing experiences. It could also stimulate important questions about your spiritual journey, prompting further exploration and growth. Whether you’re focusing on a particular chakra or observing the first colors that appear in your mind’s eye, every meditation session is an opportunity for personal discovery and spiritual growth. Embrace this journey with an open mind and heart, much like how a Buddhist spiritual master would approach their practice.

chakra system colors

Red: Root Chakra

Let’s take a look at the meaning of the color red in meditation…

Situated at the base of the spine, or the base of your spine to be exact, the root chakra, or Muladhara, is symbolized by the color red. It is associated with feelings of safety, grounding, and connection to the physical bodies we inhabit. Meditating on this specific chakra and color can help deepen your connection to Mother Earth and stabilize your mental health.

meaning of red in meditation

Beyond the chakra system, the color red is generally associated with strong emotions such as love and anger. It’s a powerful color that can stimulate faster heart rates and raised blood pressure. Its vibrancy symbolizes energy, passion, and action. In the context of meditation, visualizing red can arouse feelings of strength and courage. It encourages action and confidence, helping you face your fears and challenges, making it an intense, but essential part of the meditative journey.

Related: Healing Crystals: The Best Stones for the Root Chakra

Orange: Sacral Chakra

Let’s take a look at the meaning of the color orange in meditation…

Just above the root chakra, in the lower abdomen, we find the sacral chakra, Svadhishthana, represented by the color orange. This vibrant color symbolizes creativity, pleasure, and emotional wellbeing. During meditation, focusing on the orange light of the sacral chakra can stimulate new ideas and encourage creative energy flow.

meaning of orange in meditation

In general symbolism, orange represents creativity, warmth, and enthusiasm. This bright and stimulating color can invoke feelings of excitement, warmth, and happiness.

During meditation, focusing on the color orange could be beneficial when you’re seeking to stimulate creativity, joy, and social interaction. It provides a nurturing sense of freedom, releasing restraints and encouraging an open, optimistic outlook.

Yellow: Solar Plexus Chakra

Let’s take a look at the meaning of the color yellow in meditation…

The solar plexus chakra, Manipura, located in the upper abdomen, is correlated with the color yellow. The bright yellow light corresponds to personal power, self-confidence, and self-control.

Meditating on this color can lead to a boost in confidence and self-worth, and foster personal growth.

meaning of yellow  in meditation

The color yellow is commonly associated with happiness, optimism, and intellectual energy. It’s known to stimulate feelings of cheerfulness and uplift the spirit.

During meditation, visualizing the color yellow can foster positive emotions, encourage communication, and inspire creative thinking. It’s like the sunlight of the mind, brightening thought processes and instilling a sense of joy and vitality.

Related: Citrine Chakra Placement: Meaning, Healing and Uses 

Green: Heart Chakra

Now, let’s take a look at the meaning of the color green in meditation…

At the center of the chakra system, in the heart area, the color green takes precedence. Anahata, or the heart chakra, is the energy center of unconditional love, compassion, and joy. In many meditation practices, a focus on this green color can bring peace of mind and open the heart to giving and receiving love.

meaning of green in meditation

The color green typically symbolizes nature, growth, and renewal. It’s often associated with tranquility, good luck, health, and jealousy. When incorporated into meditation, focusing on green can create a sense of calm, relaxation, and peace. It can help in restoring depleted energy and promote a feeling of renewal, balance, and refreshment.

Related: Green Chakra: The Heart of Empathy and Love

Blue: Throat Chakra

Let’s understand the meaning of the color blue in meditation…

The throat chakra area, or Vishuddha, resonates with the color blue. This is the chakra of communication, truth, and self-expression. Meditating on this color can lead to more effective communication and the ability to express one’s truth with clarity.

meaning of blue in meditation

In wider cultural contexts, blue is synonymous with calmness, stability, and depth. It is often associated with the sky and the sea, evoking feelings of tranquility and peace. During meditation, visualizing the color blue can bring about feelings of calm, aiding in communication, truth, and expression. It soothes the mind, fosters relaxation, and promotes a sense of trust and loyalty.

Related: The Deep Spiritual Meaning Of The Color Blue

Purple: Third Eye Chakra

And what about the meaning of the color purple in meditation?

Between the eyebrows lies the third eye chakra, Ajna, symbolized by the color purple. This powerful color is often seen in the mind’s eye during deep meditation, linked to intuition, wisdom, and the ability to see the bigger picture. Focusing on the color purple during your meditation sessions can enhance intuition and bring new insights.

meaning of purple in meditation

Purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, and power. It also symbolizes wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, and mystery. In meditation, focusing on the color purple can foster a higher level of thought, enabling intuition and deeper understanding. It’s often seen as a royal color that invites mystery, magic, and discovery.

White Light: Crown Chakra

So what is the meaning of seeing the color white in meditation…

Located at the very top of the head, the crown chakra, Sahasrara, is depicted by white or sometimes a deep purple color. It represents our connection to the divine, to higher consciousness, or our higher self.

The color white or bright light stands for purity, spirituality, and enlightenment. During meditation, visualizing this divine light can foster a profound sense of spiritual awakening.

white flower

White is seen as the color of perfection, representing purity, innocence, wholeness, and completion. In many cultures, it’s the color of new beginnings, wiping the slate clean, so to speak. In the context of meditation, focusing on the color white can facilitate feelings of peace, comfort, and hope. It brings about a sense of calm and promotes a feeling of fresh starts and new beginnings.

Related: Meaning of Nail Colors: What Does Your Polish Say About You?

The Colors of the Chakras: An Integral Part of Meditation

In a general sense, the colors of the chakras represent the different levels of consciousness, elements of our being, and stages on our spiritual path. They each have their unique frequencies and energies that can help align our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual selves.

It is important to remember that meditation and the chakra system are deeply personal practices. Different people may perceive different colors, lights, or even patterns during their meditation experience. Some may see the popular colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple as they move through the chakras, while others may perceive unusual colors such as hot pink or multiple colors at a single time.

The perception of different chakra colors or different colors during meditation is a personal experience and can be influenced by various factors such as the depth of your meditation practice, your level of spiritual enlightenment, and your subconscious mind.

meaning of colors in meditation

In deep meditation, the color you see might change over time, representing your personal and spiritual growth. For instance, you might start with seeing colors associated with the lower chakras (red, orange, yellow), but with much exposure to meditation and spiritual practice, the colors might shift towards the colors of the higher chakras (green, blue, purple, white).

rainbow colors in meditation

In the words of Louise Hay, ““Every time you meditate, every time you do visualization for healing, every time you say something for healing the whole planet, you are connecting with like-minded people all over the planet who are doing the same thing.”

Final Thoughts

In your spiritual practice, whether you’re seeing the color red at the base of your spine, the color orange in your lower abdomen, or the bright white light at the top of your head, these are all part of your spiritual awakening.

Observing these colors during meditation practice is a good sign of progress, an indication that you’re connecting with your energy field and stimulating positive change.

As we progress along our spiritual journey, we learn that colors during meditation can serve as helpful guides. They can offer healing, transformation, and enlightenment, promoting balance in our energy centers. Remember, the most important thing is not necessarily what colors you see but the understanding and consciousness that you bring to your meditation sessions.


So, in your next meditation, take some deep breaths, let your mind relax, and observe any colors that may appear in your mind’s eye. Whether it’s your first time meditating or you’ve been practicing for a long time, each session is a new experience, an opportunity for healing and personal growth. The whole process of meditation with the chakras, with their correlating colors, is indeed a journey towards inner peace, balance, and spiritual enlightenment.

If you’re new to this, there’s no need to rush. Allow yourself to take your time, be patient, and most importantly, enjoy the journey. After all, meditation is about the journey, not the destination. It’s about connecting with yourself on a deeper level and embracing the constant motion of energy within.

No matter what you see or experience, remember: every meditation experience is a new step towards understanding your energy centers and moving forward on your spiritual path. Happy meditating!

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Anna is a Wales-based writer and graduate from SOAS University of London.
As the voice behind On Your Journey, she empowers women to embrace holistic well-being and spiritual growth through her expert insights into wellness and symbolism.
When she isn't writing thought-provoking articles, you'll find her busy crafting and raising her 4 children.

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