16 Disney Princess Personality Types

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By Anna Marikar

Although most Disney princesses are fictional characters; they are emblems of courage, hope, and the pursuit of dreams. Each Disney princess brings to life a unique story, resonating deeply with fans worldwide. But have you ever wondered which Myers-Briggs personality type matches your favorite Disney princess? 

From the deep forests where Snow White befriended the Seven Dwarfs to the vast ocean where Ariel, the Little Mermaid, dreamed of a life on land, every Disney character showcases traits that align with the Myers-Briggs personality types.

disney princess personality types Myers briggs

This article is a journey through the world of Disney, assigning each princess to one of the 16 Myers-Briggs types. It’s a blend of nostalgia, personality psychology, and a sprinkle of fairy dust. So, whether you’re a natural leader like Queen Elinor or have the strong work ethic of Fa Mulan, prepare to discover the Myers-Briggs types of Disney princesses and see where you fit in this enchanting lineup!

In this journey through the personality types of Disney princesses and Myers-Briggs, we uncover the layers of personality that make each character uniquely captivating. 

Be it the hopeful romanticism of Princess Aurora or the relentless curiosity of Ariel, each Disney character embodies a unique energy type, resonating with fans who see a part of themselves reflected on the screen. There’s a piece of your personality waiting to be discovered in the vibrant tapestry of Disney princess characters and their counterparts. 

Disney Princess Myers Briggs Personality Types

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) offers a fascinating lens through which we can view human personality, categorizing individuals into 16 distinct archetypes based on their preferences in four areas: how they focus their attention, how they take in information, how they make decisions, and how they deal with the outside world. 

These archetypes are 

  1. ISTJ (The Inspector)
    • Alternatives: The Logistician, The Duty Fulfiller, The Responsible Realist
  2. ISFJ (The Protector)
    • Alternatives: The Defender, The Nurturer, The Caregiver
  3. INFJ (The Counselor)
    • Alternatives: The Advocate, The Idealist, The Visionary
  4. INTJ (The Mastermind)
    • Alternatives: The Architect, The Strategist, The Systems Builder
  5. ISTP (The Craftsman)
    • Alternatives: The Virtuoso, The Mechanic, The Problem Solver
  6. ISFP (The Composer)
    • Alternatives: The Artist, The Adventurer, The Sensitive Doer
  7. INFP (The Healer)
    • Alternatives: The Mediator, The Idealist, The Dreamer
  8. INTP (The Architect)
    • Alternatives: The Thinker, The Logician, The Conceptual Critic
  9. ESTP (The Dynamo)
    • Alternatives: The Entrepreneur, The Doer, The Persuader
  10. ESFP (The Performer)
    • Alternatives: The Entertainer, The Enthusiast, The Vivacious Experiencer
  11. ENFP (The Champion)
    • Alternatives: The Inspirer, The Campaigner, The Motivator
  12. ENTP (The Visionary)
    • Alternatives: The Debater, The Innovator, The Explorer of Ideas
  13. ESTJ (The Supervisor)
    • Alternatives: The Executive, The Director, The Organizer
  14. ESFJ (The Provider)
    • Alternatives: The Caregiver, The Supporter, The Harmonizer
  15. ENFJ (The Teacher)
    • Alternatives: The Giver, The Mentor, The Charismatic Leader
  16. ENTJ (The Commander)
    • Alternatives: The Chief, The Fieldmarshal, The Strategic Leader

These alternative names are often used interchangeably with the standard names to provide a broader understanding of the personality types and to resonate with a wider audience.

Each type offers a unique set of characteristics, strengths, and potential growth areas. In the enchanting realm of Disney, each princess and character embodies the essence of these diverse personality types, allowing us to connect our own traits with the timeless narratives of these beloved figures. 

As we proceed, we’ll match each of these classic Myers-Briggs archetypes to a Disney character, unveiling the rich tapestry of personalities that make Disney’s stories so enduringly captivating and relatable. 

Table of Contents

ISTJ – The Duty Fulfiller: Cinderella

Cinderella embodies the ISTJ type, known for their sense of duty and strong work ethic. Throughout her story, she faces challenges with grace and perseverance. Her life at the beginning of the movie may seem full of hardship, but her dedication and hard work ultimately lead her to find true love and happiness. 

cinderella the duty filler istj Myers briggs

Cinderella’s transformation is not just about the change in her outward appearance but also a testament to her inner strength and the timeless ISTJ traits of loyalty and dependability.

Cinderella’s journey is a masterclass in patience and integrity. Her ability to maintain her composure and kindness in the face of adversity is emblematic of the ISTJ’s innate strength. Cinderella’s story teaches us that maintaining one’s inner values, despite external challenges, can lead to ultimate fulfillment and recognition.

ISFJ – The Nurturer: Snow White

Snow White’s caring and nurturing nature aligns with the ISFJ personality type. She finds herself in the company of the Seven Dwarfs and quickly becomes a beloved figure in their home, taking on the role of a caregiver. 

Snow White isfj the nurturer

Snow White’s story is a blend of innocence and resilience, reflecting the ISFJ’s natural tendency to protect and care for others. Her ability to see the best in people, even when she’s had a hard time, showcases the warm and selfless traits of the ISFJ type.

Snow White’s tale is a testament to the power of gentleness and the impact of a caring soul. Her ability to create a sanctuary of warmth and safety for the dwarfs reflects the ISFJ’s profound capacity to create comfort and harmony in their surroundings, making her a true embodiment of this nurturing type.

INFJ – The Advocate: Pocahontas

Pocahontas, with her strong ideals and deep sense of intuition, mirrors the INFJ personality type. She is driven by a vision of peace and understanding, striving to bridge the gap between her people and the newcomers. 

pochanhontas the advocate Infj

Her connection with nature and her willingness to stand up for her beliefs exemplify the INFJ’s desire to make the world a better place. Pocahontas teaches us about the importance of staying true to oneself and the power of having an open mind to new possibilities.

Pocahontas’s story is one of courage and foresight. Her ability to look beyond the present and envision a harmonious future is a hallmark of the INFJ personality. Pocahontas teaches us that true understanding requires not only heart and courage but also the foresight to see beyond immediate appearances.

Interestingly, the advocate is said to be the rarest Myers Briggs archetype.

INTJ – The Architect: Elsa (Frozen)

Elsa’s strategic mind and strong-willed nature make her a perfect fit for the INTJ personality type. As she grapples with her powers and the weight of her responsibilities, Elsa demonstrates the INTJ’s ability to face challenges head-on. 

elsa intj the architect

Her journey is about self-discovery and learning to control her own strength, reflecting the INTJ’s constant pursuit of personal growth and understanding. Elsa’s story encourages us to embrace our unique qualities and turn them into our greatest strengths.

Elsa’s tale is one of growth and self-mastery. Her ability to evolve from concealing her true self to embracing her uniqueness mirrors the INTJ’s journey of continuous personal development. Elsa’s story inspires us to harness our inner strength and transform our perceived weaknesses into our greatest assets.

ISTP – The Virtuoso: Mulan

Fa Mulan’s act of taking her father’s place in the army is a testament to the ISTP’s boldness and adaptability. Mulan challenges traditional roles and proves her worth through her resourcefulness and quick thinking. 

mulan istp Myers briggs

Her story is not just about bravery in the face of danger but also about the ISTP’s ability to improvise and adapt to new situations. Mulan’s determination and skillful approach to overcoming obstacles showcase the strengths of the ISTP personality type.

Mulan’s journey is a vivid illustration of agility and courage. Her unconventional approach to solving problems and her ability to adapt quickly to new challenges are qualities that resonate deeply with the ISTP personality. Mulan teaches us that true bravery often requires stepping out of our comfort zones and confronting the unknown with confidence.

ISFP – The Adventurer: Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Ariel’s curiosity and love for exploration epitomize the ISFP personality type. Her desire to experience new things and meet new people, even at the risk of venturing into the unknown, highlights the ISFP’s adventurous spirit. Ariel’s journey is a quest for freedom and self-expression, reflecting the ISFP’s deep-seated need to live in the present moment and stay true to their values.

Ariel personality type isfp

Ariel’s story is a dive into the heart of exploration and self-discovery. Her willingness to leave her comfort zone and explore the unknown is a testament to the ISFP’s adventurous spirit. Ariel teaches us that the journey to find oneself sometimes requires the courage to swim against the current.

Princess Aurora from “Sleeping Beauty” is also a quintessential representation of the ISFP personality type, often referred to as The Composer or The Adventurer. Her story is woven with threads of harmony, beauty, and a gentle spirit, all hallmarks of the ISFP archetype. 

Like a true ISFP, Aurora exhibits a profound appreciation for the aesthetic, finding solace and joy in the natural beauty that surrounds her. Her demeanor is kind and gentle, resonating with the warmth and empathy characteristic of ISFPs. Though her life is marked by challenges and unexpected turns, Aurora’s adaptability shines through, showcasing the ISFP’s innate flexibility and resilience. Despite the quiet nature attributed to her character, Aurora possesses a rich inner world, reflective of the introspective and thoughtful side of the ISFP and she is also a hopeless romantic. Her story beautifully encapsulates the essence of the ISFP personality type, celebrating the depth of gentleness, the appreciation of beauty, and the quiet strength that defines them.

INFP – The Mediator: Belle (Beauty and the Beast)

Belle’s empathy and open-mindedness align with the INFP personality type. She looks beyond the Beast’s appearance and sees the goodness within, embodying the INFP’s idealism and deep capacity for compassion. 

belle personality type Myers briggs infp

Belle’s love for books and her vivid imagination reflect the INFP’s rich inner world, while her ability to find beauty in the unexpected speaks to the INFP’s desire to understand and appreciate the depth of life’s experiences.

Belle’s journey is one of depth and understanding. Her ability to look past superficial appearances and appreciate the beauty within aligns with the INFP’s core value of seeing the good in everything and everyone. Belle teaches us that real beauty lies in our capacity to love and be compassionate.

INTP – The Thinker: Jasmine (Aladdin)

Jasmine’s independence and intellectual curiosity make her a representative of the INTP personality type. She is not content with the traditional roles assigned to her and seeks to chart her own path. 

princess jasmine personality type the thinker intp

Jasmine’s critical thinking and willingness to question the status quo highlight the INTP’s love for new ideas and their openness to exploring different perspectives. Her story is a celebration of the INTP’s quest for personal freedom and understanding.

Jasmine’s story is one of intellect and independence. Her quest for autonomy and her desire to experience life on her own terms exemplify the INTP’s love for personal freedom and intellectual exploration. Jasmine teaches us that true wisdom comes from embracing our individuality and questioning the status quo.

ESTP – The Entrepreneur: Anna (Frozen)

Anna’s energetic and action-oriented nature embodies the ESTP personality type. Her spontaneous and sometimes impulsive actions reflect the ESTP’s love for living in the moment and taking risks. Anna’s journey in Frozen, filled with unexpected twists and turns, showcases her adaptability and resourcefulness, qualities that define the adventurous spirit of the ESTP.

Anna from frozen personality type estp

Anna’s journey is a testament to resilience and adaptability. Her spontaneous nature and her ability to navigate through the unexpected twists of life resonate with the ESTP personality. Anna teaches us that sometimes the most direct path to success is forged with spontaneity and a willingness to take risks.

ESFP – The Performer: Rapunzel (Tangled)

Rapunzel’s zest for life and her artistic talents are the hallmarks of the ESFP personality type. Her story is a journey of self-discovery, showcasing her love for new experiences and her desire to connect with others. 

esfp the performer rapunzel personality type

Rapunzel’s ability to find joy in every moment and her natural flair for turning life into a celebration epitomize the ESFP’s optimistic and spontaneous nature.

Rapunzel’s tale is a canvas of creativity and expression. Her zest for life and her ability to find joy in every little thing is a reflection of the ESFP’s optimistic outlook. Rapunzel teaches us that the world is a stage, and we have the power to paint our destiny with the colors of our spirit.

ENFP – The Champion: Giselle (Enchanted)

Giselle’s optimistic, imaginative, and spontaneous nature aligns perfectly with the ENFP personality type. Her adventurous spirit and open heart embody the enthusiasm and warmth characteristic of the ENFP.

Giselle enchanted enfp

Giselle’s journey from an animated world to the real world is a dance of optimism and adaptability. Her ability to maintain her positive outlook, even when faced with the stark realities of life, resonates with the ENFP’s inherent resilience. Giselle teaches us that holding onto our inner magic can transform not just our world, but also the hearts of those around us.

Ariel from the little mermaid also fits within this personality type. Ariel’s enthusiasm and boundless curiosity align with the ENFP personality type. Her longing for a world beyond her own and her willingness to pursue her dreams, despite the obstacles, reflect the ENFP’s passion for exploring new possibilities and their desire to connect with others on a deep, authentic level. Ariel’s story is a testament to the ENFP’s spirit of adventure and their belief in the power of following one’s heart.

ENTP – The Visionary: Merida (Brave)

Merida’s boldness and innovative spirit make her a perfect match for the ENTP personality type. Her refusal to conform to traditional expectations and her determination to carve her own path reflect the ENTP’s love for challenging norms and exploring new ideas. 

Merida’s story is about embracing one’s individuality and using one’s unique strengths to shape one’s destiny, embodying the ENTP’s quest for personal freedom and self-expression.

Merida entp Myers briggs personalty type

Merida’s story is an arrow of innovation and independence. Her refusal to abide by conventional paths and her boldness in forging her own journey speak to the ENTP’s spirit of innovation. Merida teaches us that the greatest strength lies in being true to oneself and daring to challenge the expected norms.

ESTJ – The Supervisor: Tiana (The Princess and the Frog)

Tiana’s practical approach to life and her strong sense of responsibility are characteristic of the ESTJ personality type. Her commitment to achieving her goals, no matter how challenging, showcases the ESTJ’s dedication and strong work ethic. 

Tiana Myers briggs estj

Tiana’s story is not just about the pursuit of dreams but also about the importance of staying grounded and working hard to turn one’s aspirations into reality.

Tiana’s tale is one of dedication and vision. Her relentless pursuit of her dreams, coupled with her practical approach, embodies the ESTJ’s commitment to achieving their goals. Tiana teaches us that with hard work, perseverance, and a clear vision, even the most ambitious dreams can become a reality.

ESFJ – The Caregiver: Cogsworth (Beauty and the Beast)

Cogsworth, although not a princess, is a significant character who exhibits many ESFJ traits. He’s incredibly loyal, organized, and takes his responsibilities very seriously, often looking out for the well-being of the entire castle’s inhabitants. His attention to detail and deep care for maintaining traditions and social structures align well with the characteristics of the ESFJ personality type.

Cogsworth’s journey within the enchanted castle is a narrative of order and care. His dedication to his duties and his concern for the well-being of every inhabitant are reflective of the ESFJ’s commitment to providing support and creating harmony in their environment. Cogsworth teaches us that caring for others is not just a duty, but a fulfilling purpose.

Snow White esfj personality type

Snow White also fits into this personality type. Snow white’s warmth and nurturing nature make her a quintessential ESFJ. Her ability to create harmony and her genuine concern for the wellbeing of the Seven Dwarfs reflect the ESFJ’s innate desire to care for and protect others. Snow White’s story highlights the ESFJ’s strength in building strong, supportive relationships and their unwavering commitment to making the world a kinder, more loving place.

ENFJ (The Giver): Moana (Moana)

Moana’s inspiring leadership, strong sense of responsibility towards her people, and her ability to motivate and encourage others highlight the charismatic and empathetic traits characteristic of the ENFJ personality type.

moana personality type enfj

Moana’s voyage across the ocean is a testament to leadership and inspiration. Her ability to empower others and her unwavering determination to restore harmony to her world align with the ENFJ’s gift of motivating and nurturing those around them. Moana teaches us that true leadership comes from the heart and is guided by a vision that extends beyond oneself.

ENTJ – Queen Elinor (Brave)

Queen Elinor’s leadership, strategic planning, and determination to ensure the well-being of her kingdom and family perfectly demonstrate the ENTJ’s commanding presence and organizational skills.

disney queen Elinor entj

Queen Elinor’s reign over her kingdom is a tale of strategy and strength. Her ability to lead with a clear vision and her unwavering commitment to her family and people resonate with the ENTJ’s natural leadership qualities. Queen Elinor teaches us that true strength lies in the balance between duty and compassion, and that leadership is not just about making decisions, but about guiding others towards a brighter future.

Elsa from Frozen also fits within this personality type. Elsa’s leadership and strategic thinking are the trademarks of the ENTJ personality type. Her journey from self-doubt to self-acceptance showcases the ENTJ’s ability to overcome challenges and use their strengths to make a difference. Elsa’s story is a testament to the ENTJ’s determination and their capacity to lead and inspire others, highlighting the powerful combination of vision and resilience.

disney princess mbti personality types

In the magical multiverse of Disney movies, every princess brings to life a unique set of traits, mirroring the diversity of the Myers-Briggs personality types.

These beloved characters not only entertain and inspire but also offer a window into the complex world of human nature.

So, which Disney princess shares your Myers-Briggs type? Embrace your inner Disney princess and let your own story unfold, filled with dreams, adventure, and the magic of being uniquely you.

You can also take our Disney personality quizzes here:

And check out Disney princesses as Muslim hijabis

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Anna is a Wales-based writer and graduate from SOAS University of London.
As the voice behind On Your Journey, she empowers women to embrace holistic well-being and spiritual growth through her expert insights into wellness and symbolism.
When she isn't writing thought-provoking articles, you'll find her busy crafting and raising her 4 children.

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